
Mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial
Mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial

mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial

  • Rotation step in degrees - defines rotation step of camera for rotation arrows.
  • Absolute movement distance - movement distance which is used when the Absolute distance mode is checked.
  • Absolute distance mode - switch between moving the viewpoint (camera) by the distance dependent on actual distance to the fractal surface and by the Absolute movement distance. When this is unchecked, the movement distance is automatically adapted.
  • Step for camera movement multiplied by DE - viewpoint (camera) will be moved by the distance equals to the distance from the fractal surface multiplied by this factor.
  • Backward - moves the viewpoint backward.
  • mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial

  • Reset view - according to actual view angle and FOV value it calculates initial camera position.
  • Arrows on the right side - moves the viewpoint.
  • Arrows on the left side - rotates the camera around the viewpoint.
  • Equirectangular projection - it can be used for creating interactive panoramic views.
  • Prespective projection - selection between three types of perspective projection.
  • If there is enabled Fish eye projection or Equirectangular projection and when FOV = 1 then view angle will equals 360 degree.

    mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial

    When FOV = n, then if the object is n times closer to the camera, then it is n+1 times larger. Close up (zoom) - distance between the camera and the target point.alpha (yaw), beta (pitch), gamma (roll) - rotation angle of the camera around the target point.x, y, z - coordinates of the target for the camera (viewpoint).Min, fixed radius component - when spherical folding occurs on minRadius or fixedRadius limit, the value from these edit fields is added to the colour value. X, Y, Z plane component - when folding occurs on x, y or z axes, the value from these edit fields is added to the colour value.

    mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial

    Resultant absolute value component - factor for colour component generated from absolute value of last x, y and z values. Positive plane alfa, beta, gamma - rotation angles for positive folding planesĬolour texture of Mandelbox surface is calculated as a sum of six independent components Negative plane alfa, beta, gamma - rotation angles for negative folding planes Main rotation alfa, beta, gamma - rotation angle of actual vector after each iterationĮnable rotation of each folding plane - enables independent rotation of each folding plane Min radius - parameter for spherical folding - lower limit value ( minRadius) Scale - scale parameter for Mandelbox formula ( scale)įolding limit - limit value for cubic folding ( foldingLimit)įolding value - offset value for cubic folding ( foldingValue)įixed radius - parameter for spherical folding - higher limit value ( fixedRadius) If(x > foldingLimit) //positive folding planeĮlseif(x foldingLimit) //positive folding planeĮlseif(y foldingLimit) //positive folding planeĮlseif(z < - foldingLimit) //negative folding plane Normalize offset vector - set length of offset vector to 1.0 Note: All vectors are automatically normalized after pressing Render button Normalize symmetry vectors - set length of symmetry vectors to 1.0. 1.0 - normal mirroring, 0.0 - symmetry vector disabledĮnable - whether the symmetry vector will be used Intensity - intensity of vector reflection. Symmetry x, symmetry y, symmetry z - directions of symmetry vectors ( IFSDirection)Īlfa, beta, gamma - rotation angle of IFS formula before mirroring for each symmetry vector ( IFSRotation)ĭistance - distance of "mirrors" from the origin ( IFSDistance) It is possible to define up to 9 independent symmetry vectors These functions make additional mirroring of IFS formula Offset x, y, z - offset vector for scaling and main rotation ( IFSOffset)Ībs(x), abs(y), abs(z) - enables/disables absolute value functions for each axis. Rotation alfa, beta, gamma - main rotation angle of IFS formula ( IFSMainRotation) Scale - general scale of IFS formula ( IFSScale) Z = z - IFSOffset * ( IFSScale - 1.0) //offset Z = RotateVector( IFSMainRotation, z - IFSOffset) + IFSOffset //main rotation mirroring z vector relative to IFSDirection symmetry vector Z -= IFSDirection*(2.0*(length- IFSDistance)* IFSIntensity) Length = z dot IFSDirection dot product of z vect. Z = RotateVector( IFSRotation, z) //rotate vector z

    Mandelbulb 3d tutorial height map tutorial