When FOV = n, then if the object is n times closer to the camera, then it is n+1 times larger. Close up (zoom) - distance between the camera and the target point.alpha (yaw), beta (pitch), gamma (roll) - rotation angle of the camera around the target point.x, y, z - coordinates of the target for the camera (viewpoint).Min, fixed radius component - when spherical folding occurs on minRadius or fixedRadius limit, the value from these edit fields is added to the colour value. X, Y, Z plane component - when folding occurs on x, y or z axes, the value from these edit fields is added to the colour value.
Resultant absolute value component - factor for colour component generated from absolute value of last x, y and z values. Positive plane alfa, beta, gamma - rotation angles for positive folding planesĬolour texture of Mandelbox surface is calculated as a sum of six independent components Negative plane alfa, beta, gamma - rotation angles for negative folding planes Main rotation alfa, beta, gamma - rotation angle of actual vector after each iterationĮnable rotation of each folding plane - enables independent rotation of each folding plane Min radius - parameter for spherical folding - lower limit value ( minRadius) Scale - scale parameter for Mandelbox formula ( scale)įolding limit - limit value for cubic folding ( foldingLimit)įolding value - offset value for cubic folding ( foldingValue)įixed radius - parameter for spherical folding - higher limit value ( fixedRadius) If(x > foldingLimit) //positive folding planeĮlseif(x foldingLimit) //positive folding planeĮlseif(y foldingLimit) //positive folding planeĮlseif(z < - foldingLimit) //negative folding plane Normalize offset vector - set length of offset vector to 1.0 Note: All vectors are automatically normalized after pressing Render button Normalize symmetry vectors - set length of symmetry vectors to 1.0. 1.0 - normal mirroring, 0.0 - symmetry vector disabledĮnable - whether the symmetry vector will be used Intensity - intensity of vector reflection. Symmetry x, symmetry y, symmetry z - directions of symmetry vectors ( IFSDirection)Īlfa, beta, gamma - rotation angle of IFS formula before mirroring for each symmetry vector ( IFSRotation)ĭistance - distance of "mirrors" from the origin ( IFSDistance) It is possible to define up to 9 independent symmetry vectors These functions make additional mirroring of IFS formula Offset x, y, z - offset vector for scaling and main rotation ( IFSOffset)Ībs(x), abs(y), abs(z) - enables/disables absolute value functions for each axis. Rotation alfa, beta, gamma - main rotation angle of IFS formula ( IFSMainRotation) Scale - general scale of IFS formula ( IFSScale) Z = z - IFSOffset * ( IFSScale - 1.0) //offset Z = RotateVector( IFSMainRotation, z - IFSOffset) + IFSOffset //main rotation mirroring z vector relative to IFSDirection symmetry vector Z -= IFSDirection*(2.0*(length- IFSDistance)* IFSIntensity) Length = z dot IFSDirection dot product of z vect. Z = RotateVector( IFSRotation, z) //rotate vector z